Merry Christmas!

Merry ChristmasChristmas is a special time of year and I make no apologies for saying Merry Christmas instead of the bland Happy Holidays. I hope each and every one who reads this has a wonderful and joyful Christmas. I hope your day is filled with good cheer and family tidings. Eat well and drink well for we celebrate the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ.

While giving thanks at mealtime please put in a special word for the awesome men and women in our military services who are serving in the Middle East and cannot be with their loved ones during this special time. Remember – they are giving this sacrifice for you and your freedom. Even in the present circumstances America is the Greatest country in the world and our troops are a big reason why.

Military Christmas

Merry Christmas Soldiers!

Here is one of my all time favorite video clips. If this doesn’t put a lump in your throat or give you goosebumps, there’s something wrong with you. David Phelps is one of the most amazing tenors alive and this rendition of Oh Holy Night is simply incredible!

God Bless You All…

3 Responses to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Merry Christmas to you too bud !

  2. He certainly deserved to bend an elbow or three after that – for sure!

    Merry Christmas Morb!

  3. Betcha Dave tapped a keg after that one !!! … RIGHT ON THO !!!

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